It radiates an feeling of a contest about it. The poem unfolds a canvas whére mythological and Christian elements, fictional memory and organic description blend harmoniously to intensify the expression of the poet's personal emotions. lts originality is situated in the narrator becoming the poet who is usually furthermore the lick. It has the influence of Sappho, Théocritus's Epithalamium óf Helen, CataIlus's The Wedding ceremony of Manlius and Vinia and the epithalamia of the Norwegian Pleiade, Ronsard ánd Du Bellay. The last seven lines are tornata, an envoi, that conveys the poet't desire to offer the poem as a present in lieu of the decorations that have not attained her because of some accident. It offers twenty three stanzas of usually seventeen ranges which are of bumpy length and intricate rhyme design, each stanza ending in a fourteen syllable series which types a various refrain.